* 如何避免紧张的高管演讲者常犯的错误
* 如何自信、权威地演讲
* 如何用最少的时间进行有效的排练
* 如何在使用 PowerPoint 时不显得枯燥乏味。
Public Speaking. Imagine that every time you give a speech, people perceive you as an effective manager who speaks with confidence and clarity. Even if your ultimate goal is to become a CEO, wouldn't it be great to know that your presentation skills are as good as they should be?
In this course, you will learn the following:
* How to avoid common mistakes made by nervous executive speakers
* How to present with confidence and authority
* How to rehearse effectively in the least amount of time possible
* How to use PowerPoint without sounding boring.
* How to excel in all aspects of public speaking
This course is delivered primarily through speaking. Because the skills you are learning are related to speaking, it only makes sense to learn through speaking.
The public speaking skills you will learn in this class are not primarily theoretical or academic. It is a skill that requires physical habituation. That is why you will be asked to take part in many exercises, record yourself on video, and then watch yourself give a speech. Learning presentation skills is like learning to ride a bicycle. You just have to practice over and over again, overcoming wobbles and falls, until you master it.
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