提词器沟通技巧。想象一下,你在成千上万的人面前发表演讲,而你在阅读提词器时就像罗纳德-里根(Ronald Reagan)或比尔-克林顿(Bill Clinton)那样天衣无缝、完美无瑕。使用提词器进行演讲或新闻播报时,你的表情和声音都会自然得就像没有真正读过一样,这样不是很好吗?
在 "如何使用提词器沟通技巧 "课程中,您将学习到以下内容:
* 如何避免常见的沟通技巧失误,这些失误会让大多数人在使用提词器时看起来和听起来都很糟糕
* 如何使用视频进行提词器排练
* 如何显得自然
* 如何听起来娓娓道来
在这门课上学习的 "沟通技巧 "主要不是理论性或学术性的。它是一种需要身体习惯的技能。因此,我们会要求你参加大量练习,通过视频录制自己的发言,然后观看自己的发言。学习演讲技能就像学习骑自行车。你只需反复练习,克服摇晃和摔倒的困难,直到掌握为止。
30 年来,TJ Walker 一直在指导和培训人们掌握沟通技巧。现在,通过 Udemy 在线平台的强大功能,他可以为您提供与他亲自为首席执行官、财富 500 强企业高管和各国总统提供的培训相同的高质量培训。只不过,你现在只需支付面授培训费用的一小部分,就能接受培训。
Teleprompter Communication Skills. Imagine giving a speech in front of thousands of people and you read the teleprompter as seamlessly and flawlessly as Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton. Wouldn't it be nice to use a teleprompter for speeches or newscasts and have your expression and voice be as natural as if you hadn't actually read it?
In the How to Use a Teleprompter Communication Skills course, you'll learn the following:
* How to avoid common communication skill blunders that make most people look and sound bad when using a teleprompter
* How to use video for teleprompter rehearsal
* How to appear natural
* How to sound felicitous
* How to demonstrate strong communication skills when reading a teleprompter
This communication skills course is delivered primarily through speaking. Because the skills you are learning are related to speaking, it only makes sense to learn them through speaking.
The “communication skill” you learn in this course is not primarily theoretical or academic. It is a skill that requires physical habituation. Therefore, you will be asked to participate in a lot of practice by recording yourself speaking on video and then watching yourself speak. Learning presentation skills is like learning to ride a bicycle. You simply practice over and over, overcoming wobbles and falls, until you master it.
This Communication Skills course contains numerous video lectures and several bonus books for your training library.
For 30 years, TJ Walker has been coaching and training people in communication skills. Now, through the power of the Udemy online platform, he can provide you with the same high-quality training he personally delivers to CEOs, Fortune 500 executives, and presidents. Only, you can now receive the training for a fraction of the cost of in-person training.
How long the communication skills course takes is up to you. The longest part of the course is when you speak on video, self-critique, and then repeat the exercise until you are satisfied. However, if you like the way you look and sound when you speak, it will be worth the extra time. Mastering this skill will save you time on future presentations.
You can start improving your presentation skills now. Perhaps tomorrow you will have the opportunity to give a speech, so why waste another day worrying that your presentation skills are not up to a high standard. Please enroll today.
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