迄今为止,有关演讲技巧的讲座比 Udemy 上任何其他课程都要多。
比其他任何课程都多的培训时长(29 个小时,有时多就是多!)。
"在过去的 30 年里,我一直致力于为总统、总理、首席执行官、企业家、参议员、诺贝尔和平奖获得者和职业运动员提供现场演讲技巧和公众演讲技巧培训。现在,我很高兴能把这些内幕秘诀带给你,让你成为一名出色的演讲者。如果你学习这门课程并完成一些简单的家庭作业,我绝对相信我能让你的演讲技巧达到世界级水平。你将能够在每次演讲中做到以下几点:
TJ Walker,Media Training Worldwide 总裁,Udemy 畅销讲师。
"TJ Walker 对演讲的执着追求使他成为企业高管寻求公众和媒体演讲指导的头号专家。鲍勃-鲍登,彭博电视台主播/记者
"TJ Walker 是世界领先的媒体培训师。斯图-米勒,维亚康姆新闻制片人
(TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide)"世界领先的演讲和媒体培训公司"。Gregg Jarrett,福克斯新闻频道主播
TJ Walker 是全球媒体培训公司(Media Training Worldwide)的创始人,自 1984 年以来一直从事演讲技巧、公众演说技巧和沟通技巧培训讲习班和研讨会。沃克曾培训过各国总统、总理、诺贝尔和平奖得主、超级碗得主、美国参议员、环球小姐和国会议员。他在六大洲三十多个国家举办过演讲技巧和沟通技巧讲习班。
沃克还是《媒体培训 AZ》和《媒体培训的成功》的作者。
沃克的 Facebook 页面 "TJ Walker Speak to Influence "是每周 7 天关于如何成为更好的公众演讲者和沟通者的视频教程排名第一的页面。
2009 年,沃克在吉尼斯世界纪录大全中创下了 24 小时内出席脱口秀电台节目最多的纪录。
沃克还曾担任纽约市全国演讲者协会(National Speakers Association)主席。
演讲技巧 - 公众演讲 - 沟通技巧 - 讲故事技巧 - PowerPoint - 镜头前的自信 - 媒体培训
Presentation skills and public speaking skills are the most important personal skills you need to succeed in life. Life is a series of speeches. Those who master strong presentation skills and public speaking skills excel in school, get jobs and promotions, and often advance to the highest levels of leadership in corporate, government, and civic life. Those who fail to master presentation skills, on the other hand, tend to have their careers stagnate or remain in the middle of the pack. Sadly, presentation skills are either not taught in primary and secondary education or are taught poorly.
The complete Presentation Skills Masterclass program for all occasions is your gateway to a masterclass education in how to present effectively. You will receive in-depth training in all aspects of presentation skills - public speaking - communication skills - storytelling skills - PowerPoint - confidence in front of the camera!
This course is designed to be a one-stop shop for all your presentation skills and public speaking skills training needs.
This course has the following features:
More lectures on presentation skills than any other course on Udemy to date.
More training hours than any other course (29 hours, sometimes more is more!) .
More in-depth training techniques than any other course.
“For the past 30 years, I've devoted myself to training presidents, prime ministers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, senators, Nobel Peace Prize winners, and professional athletes in live presentation skills and public speaking techniques. Now, I'm excited to bring these insider tips to you so you can become a great speaker. If you take this course and complete a few simple homework assignments, I am absolutely confident that I can bring your presentation skills to a world-class level. You will be able to do the following in every presentation:
Look comfortable, confident and relaxed whether you are sitting or standing, and regardless of the size of your audience.
Speak in such a way that the audience understands you.
Make the audience remember your message (this is the hardest part).
Influence the audience to take the action you want them to take.
TJ Walker, President of Media Training Worldwide and best-selling Udemy instructor.
“TJ Walker's dedication to presenting has made him the number one expert for business executives seeking guidance on public and media speaking. Bob Bowden, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg Television
“TJ Walker is the world's leading media trainer. Stu Miller, Producer, Viacom News
(TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) “The world's leading presentation and media training company. ”Gregg Jarrett, Anchor, Fox News Channel
TJ Walker is the founder of Media Training Worldwide, a presentation skills, public speaking skills and communication skills training workshops and seminars since 1984. Walker has trained presidents, prime ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Super Bowl winners, U.S. senators, Miss Universe and members of Congress. He has conducted presentation skills and communication skills workshops in over thirty countries on six continents.
His book, Foolproof Presentation Secrets, is a #1 USA Today bestseller and a Wall Street Journal and Business Week bestseller.
Walker is also the author of Media Training AZ and Media Training Success.
Presentation Skills - Public Speaking - Communication Skills - Storytelling Skills - Confidence in Front of the Camera
Walker's Facebook page, TJ Walker Speak to Influence, is the #1 ranked page for video tutorials 7 days a week on how to become a better public speaker and communicator.
In 2009, Walker set a record in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most appearances on a talk show radio program in a 24-hour period.
Walker has also served as president of the National Speakers Association in New York City.
Presentation Skills - Public Speaking - Communication Skills - Storytelling Skills - PowerPoint - Confidence in Front of the Camera - Media Training
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