【纯英文授课】面试技巧,助你找到下一份工作——不再紧张——轻松应对面试——为任何问题做好准备 Interview tips to help you land your next job - No more nerves - Handle interviews with ease - Be prepared for any question
Interview skills are the difference between getting a job interview and getting a job offer. Great interview skills are essential if you want to get the best job in today's competitive job market.
Does the thought of walking into an unfamiliar room in front of one or two strangers answering questions for 30-60 minutes and then having your entire career decided by them scare you or make you nervous? You can become a master of interviewing skills.
Imagine walking into a job interview knowing that you will look and sound great. You have complete confidence that you can speak in an engaging and understandable way. You know you have great information, examples and stories about your experiences and lessons learned, and the interviewer will see these as why you are the ideal candidate for the position. When you walk out of the interview, you know that you gave your best effort and that the interviewer understands and respects your unique talents. Whether you get the job or not, you know full well that you have done your best in the interview and that you have made the best case for hiring you.
“For more than 30 years, I've been coaching executives in the corporate world on interviewing and presentation skills. What I want to tell you is that no one is born good at this. Interviewing skills are something anyone can learn, but they are not innate. I have a simple, step-by-step process that can help you build confidence and effective communication skills in job interviews. I can't guarantee that you'll get every job offer, but I do guarantee that I'll help you present your best self in every interview.”
Please note: This course is not an “information product”. This interview skills course is not “passive income” for the creator. This course is designed for students who are serious about learning interviewing skills and are willing to practice them on video.TJ Walker assigns homework and personally critiques each student's interviewing skills in detail after they post their video.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an interview skills course on how to speak effectively in job interviews. This course is taught by a world-class presentation expert who demonstrates how to speak effectively in job interviews by speaking directly to students. If you are looking for a course with lots of graphics, special effects, music and sound effects, then this course is not for you.
自购买课程之日起 365 天,部分参与营销活动产品以活动规则为准,请同学在有效期内学习、观看课程。