In the workplace, listening skills are a silent soft skill that can make or break a career. Have you ever been in a situation where a client, customer, supervisor or coworker had to communicate with you repeatedly? Or they look at you as if they're not sure you understand them, or are even listening to them?
The highest form of respect you can give to others in the workplace is to listen to them. Powerful listening skills may seem simple and commonplace, but they are actually rare in most workplaces. Communication expert TJ Walker will teach you step-by-step in this course how to build, strengthen, and master great listening skills.
“Listening skills are the foundation of all communication and the cornerstone of all success in the workplace. For the past 30 years I have been teaching powerful listening and communication skills to people from every continent on a global scale. Now, I'm excited to teach and coach you.” TJ Walker
What can students achieve or do after taking this workplace listening skills course?
Focus their attention on the speaker
Listen with undivided attention
Understand verbal messages delivered in the workplace
Memorize messages delivered from clients, co-workers, customers, and supervisors
Make better connections with everyone in the workplace
Improve all work relationships
Become a better communicator
Demonstrate mastery of listening skills
PLEASE NOTE: This is a listening skills course with real people explaining and demonstrating communication skills. If you are looking for a course with lots of animation, slides, special effects, superb editing and robotic voices, this course is not for you.
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