演讲技巧:给出一个优秀的团队演讲 Presentation skills: giving a great team presentation

演讲技巧:给出一个优秀的团队演讲 Presentation skills: giving a great team presentation

  • 沟通力

【纯英文授课】演讲技巧:学习如何作为团队给出有趣、令人难忘的演讲。不再有枯燥的数据堆砌Presentation skills: learn how to give interesting, memorable presentations as a team. No more boring data dumps

  • 1小时2分钟的视频随时观看
  • 可在APP随时观看
  • 结业证书
  • 创建、练习、发表团队演讲 Create, practice, and deliver team presentations
  • 提高公开演讲技巧 Improving public speaking skills
  • 沟通以推动变革 Communicating to drive change
  • 推动变革的基础 Foundations for driving change
  • 用故事销售 Selling with stories
  • 销售与营销合作 Sales and Marketing Cooperation
  • 推销自己 sell oneself





Presentation Skills: presenting for the whole team. Imagine that you and your entire team are giving a great presentation. Individually and collectively, you are giving a great team presentation. Everyone is funny and memorable. No one is embarrassed or bored. Presentation Skills - How to Give a Team Presentation In this “Presentation Skills - How to Give a Team Presentation” course, you will learn how to develop a message, assign team tasks and practice your presentation as a team. Most team presentations are horrible and boring because executives tell themselves “I'm giving a team presentation right now, so of course we all have to read boring bullet point information on PowerPoint slides because that's the way people who take business seriously do things.” This is a fallacy.TJ Walker is a professional presentation skills coach who has coached and rehearsed executives from large corporations and organizations around the world on how to give better team presentations. Every team presentation has the opportunity to impress, not impress or leave a bad impression. Shouldn't you find out how to make the most of every group presentation opportunity you and your coworkers face? Sign up for this presentation skills course today. This presentation skills course comes with a 100% money back guarantee. The instructor also offers an enhanced guarantee. What others are saying “TJ Walker's penchant for presentations has made him the number one expert for executives seeking guidance on public and media speaking.” Bob Bowden, Bloomberg TV Anchor/Reporter “TJ Walker is the world's leading media trainer.” Wellcome News Producer Stu Miller (TJ Walker's Global Media Training) “The world's leading presentation and media training company.” Fox News Channel Anchor Greg Jarrett

  • 必须进行团队演讲、新业务演讲或小组客户演讲的高管 Executives who must give team presentations, new business presentations, or group client presentations
  • 目标驱动的领导者 The Purpose Driven Leader
  • 进行虚拟销售演示的人 People who conduct virtual sales presentations
BestSelling Personal Development & Habits Expert
  • 职业化
  • 绩效提升
  • 汇报述职
  • 情压管理
  • 沟通力
More than 1.8 million Udemy students have enrolled in TJ Walker's Classes! TJ has created numerous Udemy best-selling courses in the fields of personal development, public speaking, presentation skills, media training and communication skills. Feel free to contact him on LinkedIn for more information on in-person training workshops, seminars, and keynote speeches on habits and all personal development subjects in which he teaches online courses. Walker is the founder of Media Training Worldwide and has been conducting public speaking training workshops and seminars since 1984. Walker has trained Presidents of countries, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Super Bowl winners, US Senators, Miss Universes and Members of Parliament. He has conducted presentation and media training workshops on six continents in more than two dozen countries.
共0节 时长0分钟 全部收起
Section 1: You and the Whole Team Will Give Great Presentations
共3节 | 3分钟
  • 1. Each Team Member Must Be Interesting and Memorable - Presentation Skills
  • 2. Your Presentation Goals Will Be Identified and Accomplished
  • 3. Please Introduce Yourself
Section 2: Preparing the Presentation In the Most Efficient and Productive Manner
共2节 | 3分钟
  • 4. These Top 5 Messages Will Help You Connect With The Audience
  • 5. Time to Assign Topics to Your Team
Section 3: You Will Master the Speaking Fundamentals
共3节 | 32分钟
  • 6. Each Person Must Prepare This Way
  • 7. Your Stories Will Sell
  • 8. Your PowerPoint Will Enhance, Not Bore
Section 4: Group Presentation Skills Prep
共1节 | 4分钟
  • 9. Group PowerPoint
Section 5: Practice
共3节 | 9分钟
  • 10. First Rehearsal
  • 11. Second Rehearsal
  • 12. Third Rehearsal
Section 6: Housekeeping Matters
共5节 | 6分钟
  • 13. 7 Steps For Getting the Most Out of this Course
  • 14. Before We Start, Here is the #1 Tip to Improving Your Communication Skills
  • 15. $10,000 Guarantee This Course Will Make You a Better Communicator
  • 16. Your Questions Will Be Answered Here, In Video
  • 17. If You Like to Learn by Reading
Section 7: Conclusion
共3节 | 5分钟
  • 18. Conclusion
  • 19. Time to Give TJ a Piece of Your Mind
  • 20. Who is TJ Walker?


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